About "Life Insurance for Diabetics"

"Life Insurance for Diabetics" is a practical "worksite" that helps people with diabetes find the best life insurance at the most affordable rates.

All articles are written by Richard F. O'Boyle, Jr., MBA, LUTCF. Mr. O'Boyle has close to a decade of experience as a life insurance agent and financial advisor. If you live or work in New York, and you would like to consult with Mr. O'Boyle, please visit his personal website.

This website is published by Prism Innovations, Inc., a leading provider of information for people aged 50+. Visit our corporate website for more information about our other media properties.

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The entire contents of this website are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. Nothing may be reprinted or reproduced without the written permission of the copyright owner, Prism Innovations, Inc. Willful copyright infringement is a violation of federal laws, and will be prosecuted accordingly. Contact us if you would like to reprint our material.

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This website is intended to be for general educational purposes only. While we make every effort to keep this website up-to-date, lapses may occur. Standards of medical care and practice change over time. The information provided on this website is not a substitute for consultation with your personal medical care professional(s). If you are experiencing a medical emergency, contact you local first-responder at 911, or go to the nearest hospital emergency room. This website discusses general legal, financial and taxation matters. You should consult with the respective professional in that field for advice specific to your situation.


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